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How Ethical Reasoning Shapes Digital Transformation Initiatives

Digital transformation initiatives are a vital part of today’s business landscape. Understanding them is crucial for those who want to enter business roles with ethically informed managerial practices. Ambitious students seeking to further their knowledge in this field can do so with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree focusing on management, such as the online MBA with a concentration in Management program from Henderson State University (HSU).

Both business and management topics are pertinent for managers, who must try to make the best business decisions while also considering ethical dilemmas, from the good of their employees to the good of the planet. An attuned sense of ethical reasoning is invaluable for managers wanting to make the biggest impact while reducing the social cost.

What Is Ethical Reasoning?

Ethical reasoning is simply looking at the ethics of a situation to make informed decisions. It requires understanding the implications of any decision for the people and communities involved, both in the long and short term. Ethical reasoning is sometimes considered part of the discussion of “human-technology entanglement,” which is a key issue affecting decision-making for today’s business managers.

As Amarolinda Zanela Klein explains in an article on ethics and digital transformation, human-technology entanglement has many outlets. The prevalence of mobile phones is an example, as are wearing technologies, but this entanglement also goes beyond to harder-to-see aspects of day-to-day life, such as our reliance on data.

Today’s technology-driven world presents questions about the ethics of using certain technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) or machines that can replace human workers. Using data and algorithms to make decisions that affect people is also suspect. It seems more important now than ever to approach human-tech issues with an ethical eye.

What Is the First Step in the Ethical Reasoning Process?

According to Nicholas Ismail at HCLTech, “Ethical and sustainable digital transformation initiatives represent the pursuit of a better future, when it comes to environment, collaborative ways of working and a socially conscious enterprise.” However, how does one get started in this process, and is there a way of preparing for it via an MBA program?

Ismail goes on to explain that the first step in the process of ethical reasoning is changing our mindsets. Rather than only thinking about growth in economic terms, business leaders need to focus on social matters, like sustainability and workers’ welfare. He also mentions “purpose-driven employee engagement,” stating that “to truly transform, organizations need the full and authentic engagement of their employee population.”

What Is Digital Transformation in Business?

Regarding the issue of human-technology entanglement, many mindset shifts have occurred around AI, with some managers considering best practices for addressing ethical challenges for this emerging technology. WeAreBrain suggests that digital transformation strategies are at the heart of this issue, but how can ethical reasoning be applied to them?

Digital transformation in business is essentially an attempt to harness the power of data to make the best business decisions possible and stay ahead of the competition. Such a strategy can also function as a kind of plan that guides business operations. Ideally, digital transformation and ethical reasoning should go hand in hand.

That is why Managerial Leadership and Ethics is a required course in HSU’s MBA in Management program. This course sets a baseline for overseeing successful digital transformation that is mindful of humanity.

How to Develop a Digital Transformation Strategy and Measure Progress

The business site Entrepreneur outlines three strategies to help integrate digital transformation with ethical pursuits, which will hopefully also help managers measure progress. First, they recommend performing audits and compliance. Companies can sometimes conduct these internally, but it is common for major companies to hire external consultants with ethical specialties to perform audits of their businesses and offer practical advice for positive change.

The second step is recognizing the importance of employees in the equation. This is a skill that managers should possess, no matter the industry: Appreciating employees goes a long way to increase confidence and well-being within an organization. It is also vital for ethical management.

Finally, Entrepreneur stresses that organizations should not exclude vendors and partners from ethically sound digital transformation strategies. Vendors are an extension of a business and should be included in the conversation and held to similar standards. These are useful steps to keep in mind for future managers. Many will benefit from an online MBA that prioritizes ethics in the management process, such as HSU’s online MBA in Management program.

Learn more about HSU’s online MBA with a concentration in Management program.

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